LEGO Minifigures Online Wiki

Hi all,

Have you already managed to add your series 15 that you collected in-game to your playcard? If not, I finally managed to add the variables to the documentation. If you're starting over with a new playcard, just copy the code from the documentation and fill in. If you're wanting to update your playcard, then copy following code bits onto the right sections:

In the GLOW SECTION (for when your S15 minifigures got some shiny achievement)

|FarmerGlow = 
|FaunGlow = 
|TribalGirlGlow = 
|SharkSuitGuyGlow = 
|QueenGlow = 
|WildlifeOfficerGlow = 
|JewelThiefGlow = 
|BallerinaGlow = 
|WingedWarriorGlow = 
|ScaryKnightGlow = 
|WrestlerGlow = 
|ClumsyManGlow = 
|KendoFencerGlow = 
|AstronautGlow = 
|LaserMechGlow = 
|JanitorGlow = 

In the MINIFIGURE SECTION (for when you've collected the minfigures and upgraded them)

|FarmerCollected = false
|FaunCollected = false
|TribalGirlCollected = false
|SharkSuitGuyCollected = false
|QueenCollected = false
|WildlifeOfficerCollected = false
|JewelThiefCollected = false
|BallerinaCollected = false
|WingedWarriorCollected = false
|ScaryKnightCollected = false
|WrestlerCollected = false
|ClumsyManCollected = false
|KendoFencerCollected = false
|AstronautCollected = false
|LaserMechCollected = false
|JanitorCollected = false

|FarmerLevel = 1
|FaunLevel = 1
|TribalGirlLevel = 1
|SharkSuitGuyLevel = 1
|QueenLevel = 1
|WildlifeOfficerLevel = 1
|JewelThiefLevel = 1
|BallerinaLevel = 1
|WingedWarriorLevel = 1
|ScaryKnightLevel = 1
|WrestlerLevel = 1
|ClumsyManLevel = 1
|KendoFencerLevel = 1
|AstronautLevel = 1
|LaserMechLevel = 1
|JanitorLevel = 1

Adding these variables to your playcard can only be done in visual source code modus. If you have questions, please ask. :)

